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A Quick And Simple Guide To Catching The Bus from Nesebar to Burgas

A Quick And Simple Guide To Catching The Bus from Nesebar to Burgas

Having trouble online finding a bus from Nesebar to Burgas? Don’t worry – while there is no information online a bus company does run this route frequently every 4o minutes during peak hours. The company is Di Es Bus and they were pretty much on time and cost 3 LEV per person.

They also have a extensive route in the region which you can see below and I have included a time table from their website at the bottom of all routes!

The trip takes about one hour to get from Nesebar to Burgas bus station and you buy your tickets on board from the conductor. They also run bus’s from Sunny Beach and have stops along the way. Bus stops appear pretty frequently so ask your hotel if you unsure!

Enjoy your time in Nesebar and Sunny Beach and don’t worry about the onwards bus from Bus from Nesebar to Burgas! If you are travelling onwards by bus from Burgas to Istanbul with Nisikli then check out my other post in the link – Hopefully this proves helpful!

Bus from Nesebar to Burgas

Please let me know if you found the information on the Bus from Nesebar to Burgas useful so I can know if I should produce more content like this in future.

If you know anything in regards to a price change or scheduling please let me know so I can keep this up to date!